Test Applet

This may take a few seconds to a minute to load. The applet is an "unoptimized" release requiring a few MB of jar files.

You may need to refresh to get the applet to pop up (and make sure you have pop up blockers disabled).

Tested on Java plug-in version 1.4+

You can try to work through the
tutorial to get a sense of the language.

This graph has ~400 nodes and ~700 edges. Each node has a property "dept" (department) property associated with it and each edge has a "freq" property (frequency of communication).

Some commands to try:

GUESS maintained by Eytan Adar, Website update: 08/13/2007.


A new version is available for download (news features + various bug fixes) here.

I have set up a wiki site for GUESS. The manual has been moved to that site for easy access.